Return Policy

In case you want to return a product and receive a refund, please read the below terms and conditions

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To be eligible for a refund or exchange, the item must be unused, unworn, and in its original packaging with all tags attached. You must initiate your refund or exchange request within 14 days of receiving your item.


If you are eligible for a refund, we will refund the purchase price of the item(s), less any shipping and handling fees. We will issue the refund to the original payment method used to make the purchase.


If you are eligible for an exchange, we will exchange the item(s) for another item of equal value. You will be responsible for any difference in price between the exchanged items, as well as any shipping and handling fees associated with the exchange.

Return Shipping

You are responsible for the cost of return shipping. We recommend that you use a trackable shipping method to ensure that the item(s) are returned to us safely. We are not responsible for any lost or damaged items during the return shipping process.

Refund processing time

Once we receive the returned item(s), we will inspect them to ensure that they are in their original condition. We will process the refund or exchange within 14 business days of receiving the item(s).


We do not offer refunds or exchanges for the following items:
- Products that have been used, worn, or damaged
- Products that are not in their original packaging with all tags attached
- Products that have been customized or personalized
- Products that were purchased on sale or at a discounted price